Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Saw Guru

Went and saw Guru last Friday. We were around 11 people, and surprise surprise, the show wasn't empty. As a matter of fact, there were quite a few people. As usual, barged in just before the movie started. I love to see the trailers they put before a movie, and haven't been able to do that for years now :( . Ok, back to the movie. Well, it started off well, with this guy failing in all his subjects, and leaving to Turkey to find work. I like how the movie moves till the interval, it is nicely paced, and seems to be headed for a nice finish. There is a nice conflict brewing between Guru and his mentor, they challenge each other...but after the interval, the movie loses steam. It gains no momentum, slows down to a crawl, nothing big happens. Guru is brought in front of justice, because he takes the law into his own hands to make his company big. Judges throw charges at him. He waits until the final day, and gives some junk explanation, the judges say ok, and let him off with a fine! There are lots of loose ends too. We are never shown what happens to the rest of the characters at the end...there is just another share-holder meeting. Maybe I didn't like the movie because it had too many songs, or maybe because it didn't have a single fight? As a matter of fact, there is no real villain, and you can almost say what will happen the next scene. You can always see that Abhishek is 'trying' to act. In the first half, he has a permanent grin on his face. Aishwarya has no role. Me fully disappointed. Gotta say, was a boring movie. It was visually nice though, with some crappy compositing and music which reminded me of previous A.R.Rahman numbers.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

pepsi canimation

For starters, let me post my latest animation. Had taken a photo of a pepsi can. Showed it to friend...he asked if it was cg. It struck me then...wow, nice idea, why not actually do it in CG? So, to practice lighting...took it up and made this...

And here is the actual photo...

Oh wow!

Oh wow! At last, I have a blog too. Now what to do? Gosh this is hard...